Monday, February 22, 2016

Day 2

Got out of Deming RV park around 9:00 and yes for those that are wondering if we hiked around the park this morning before we left, not! Before getting on the HWY we had to make a stop at the local Wal Mart to pick up a hair dryer, Carmel forgot hers. After our great purchase at Wal Mart we hit the road to Carlsbad and decided to take a little more scenic route than the shortest which would have taken us through scenic El Paso :( . When we hit Las Cruces we decided to take 70 to Alamogordo and then 82 across Lincoln National Forest to Artesia and then 285 down to Carlsbad. We are actually staying in an RV Park in Whites City, got to love the town name :) . Pulling a 40' 5th wheel through the mountains was fun and the truck liked it also, the check engine went out. Averaged 9.6 mpg today. Roasting a pork loin for tonight and going to play some cards, no tv :( . Still haven't figured the cable crap out. That's about it for today, will check in tomorrow.


  1. That looks like a nice RV park compaired to the parking lot you stayed in last night.

  2. A camping vacation needs a little snow. It was around 80, dusty and breezy today at Winter Range.
